IVF is a non-surgical procedure in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm in a laboratory setting outside of the womb. It is sometimes referred to as Test Tube Baby.

When both of the woman’s fallopian tubes are obstructed, sperm parameters are very low, and all previous reproductive treatments have failed, IVF is frequently suggested. Other issues that might prohibit couples from having a kid naturally include poor sperm quality and/or quantity, ovulation issues, and sperm-egg interaction issues. IVF can assist with this.

Specific conditions where patient might require IVF include:

  • Tubal blockage or failed tubal reversal
  • Endometriosis
  • Cervical factor
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Male factor
  • Unexplained infertility/failed conventional therapy
  • Genetic testing (PGD) for inheritable diseases
  • Genetic testing (PGD) for possible reasons for multiple miscarriages

The IVF procedure may be understood by following the steps outlined below.

  • Ovarian stimulation: The fertility specialist keeps track of when the eggs are released. The doctor will determine whether or not the hormone levels and other parameters for IVF are normal. The doctor examines the generated eggs to determine whether they are suitable.
  • Egg retrieval: Under mild sedation, the eggs are extracted from the female’s ovary using a needle. The eggs are then put in a plate containing nutritional medium before being transferred to the incubator.
  • Fertilization: The next stage in IVF is fertilization, in which male sperms are combined with an egg in an incubator to generate embryos.

Because the injections used for IVF are purified and given subcutaneously, the treatment is painless. The egg collecting procedure is performed under minimal anesthesia and is completely painless. However, the patient may experience some pain following egg collection. Anesthesia is not used during the embryo transfer procedure, which lasts 10 to 15 minutes and causes little pain.

Prior to egg extraction, the in vitro fertilization procedure might span four to six weeks. The embryo(s) will subsequently be implanted three to five days later. It can be completed in a matter of hours. The usual pregnant period then begins.

For the vast majority of persons attempting to conceive, a single embryo transfer during IVF is the standard of treatment. For most IVF patients, the CDC, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology all suggest one embryo transfer.
Why is this the case?
It all boils down to security and success rates. The fundamental objective of IVF is to have a healthy kid. Transferring double or more embryos raises your chances of having twins or multiple births, which increases the hazards to the baby’s and your health.

Patients must consider critical and difficult problems such as present and future fertility when undergoing cancer therapy. Because many cancer therapies might harm future fertility, patients who are or will be of reproductive age should inform their cancer care team about the potential impact therapy may have on their capacity to have children so they can consider their alternatives.
If the fertility has not been harmed, freezing technology can assist to safeguard the dream of becoming a parent. Later, IVF technologies can be utilized to conceive.

On the 12th day after the day of the transfer, it is possible to see whether there is a pregnancy with Beta-HCG test in the blood.

The likelihood of success with IVF treatments is determined by a variety of factors, including the woman’s age, the cause of infertility, the quality of eggs recovered, and the quality of the sperm. The majority of women have success rates of 35-45% every cycle.
Manmohan IVF Center has a success rate of 60-65% due to meticulous handling of the procedure and appropriate analysis of the patient data.